
Været i Cavtat

Været i Cavtat er veldig varierende i dag. Det går fra steik sol til rengskyll og torden på to minutt. Fasinerande, og heilt greitt. Vi slapper skikkelig av på havna. Eg for min del sitter under parasoll og hekler, hæærlig!! :-) 

The weather in Cavtat is changing by the minute today. One minute the sun is shining, and the next it's poring down with rain, and we can hear thunder. Facinating, and totally ok. We are really relaxed just sitting watching it under an umbrella, and I am crocheting, lovely!! :-) 

Where are you reading this from? I would love to hear from you, so send me a note in the comment section about where you are today :-)

Have a lovely day, wherever in the world you are. 


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